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Cara Membuat Contact Form di CodeIgniter 4

Dibandingkan hanya menampilkan alamat email dan nomor telepon perusahaan, contact form pada website bisa menjadi solusi yang lebih efektif. Dalam artikel ini, kami akan membahas bagaimana cara membuat contact form di CodeIgniter 4 dengan mudah.

Tidak hanya membuat contact form, kami juga akan membahas bagaimana cara setting SMTP di codeigniter 4, agar formulir yang Anda buat dapat berjalan dengan baik.

Membuat Contact Form di CodeIgniter 4

Untuk membuat contact form di CodeIgniter 4 terbilang cukup mudah, Anda dapat mengikuti langkah-langkahnya dibawah hingga selesai.

Step 1. Buat Controller Contact Form

Buatlah file controller dengan nama Contact.php dalam folder /app/Controllers/ dengan isi dibawah:


namespace App\Controllers;

use CodeIgniter\Controller;
use Config\Services;

class Contact extends Controller
    public function index()
        return view('contact_form');

    public function send()
        $email = \Config\Services::email();

        $name    = $this->request->getPost('name');
        $emailTo = $this->request->getPost('email');
        $telpTo = $this->request->getPost('telp');
        $message = $this->request->getPost('message');

        $email->setTo('[email protected]'); // Email tujuan
        $email->setFrom('[email protected]', 'WebSaya'); // Email pengirim
        $email->setSubject('[FORM CONTACT] Ada pesan baru dari WebSaya');
        Nama: {$name}
        Email: {$emailTo}
        No Telp: {$telpTo}
        Isi pesan: {$message}

        if ($email->send()) {
            return redirect()->to('/contact')->with('success', 'Please be pattiens, our superb staff response soon.');
        } else {
            return redirect()->to('/contact')->with('error', 'Try later~');

Simpan script diatas, kemudian lanjut ke step 2.

Step 2. Tambah Routes Contact Form

Setelah Controller dibuat, Anda perlu menambahkan Routes mapnya dalam file /app/Config/Routes.php dengan isi seperti dibawah.

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$routes->get('/contact', 'Contact::index');
$routes->post('/contact', 'Contact::send');

Silahkan disesuaikan dengan routes yang sudah Anda miliki saat ini, contohnya seperti gambar diatas.

Step 3. Buat file View Contact Form

Bagian tampilan contact form di CodeIgniter 4, dengan membuat file bernama contact_form.php dalam folder /app/Views/ dan isikan script dibawah:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
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72.4h.21l-.13-.12Zm324.56-159.8q0-17.92 6.16-35.56 6.44-17.92 18.48-31.92t29.68-22.68q17.64-8.96 40.04-8.96 26.6 0 45.36 12.04 19.04 12.04 28 31.36l-15.4 9.52q-4.76-9.8-11.76-16.52-6.72-6.72-14.56-10.92-7.84-4.2-16.24-5.88-8.4-1.96-16.52-1.96-17.92 0-31.64 7.28-13.72 7.28-23.24 19.04-9.24 11.76-14 26.6-4.76 14.56-4.76 29.68 0 16.52 5.6 31.64 5.88 15.12 15.68 26.88 10.08 11.48 23.52 18.48 13.72 6.72 29.68 6.72 8.4 0 17.08-1.96 8.96-2.24 17.08-6.72 8.4-4.76 15.4-11.48 7-7 11.76-16.8l16.24 8.4q-4.76 11.2-13.44 19.88-8.68 8.4-19.32 14.28-10.64 5.88-22.68 8.96-11.76 3.08-23.24 3.08-20.44 0-37.52-8.96-17.08-8.96-29.4-23.24-12.32-14.56-19.32-32.76-6.72-18.48-6.72-37.52Zm263.48 103.6q-15.96 0-29.12-5.88-13.16-6.16-22.96-16.52-9.52-10.36-14.84-24.08Q664 294.6 664 279.48q0-15.4 5.32-29.12 5.6-13.72 15.12-24.08 9.8-10.36 22.96-16.52t28.84-6.16q15.68 0 28.84 6.16 13.44 6.16 22.96 16.52 9.8 10.36 15.12 24.08 5.6 13.72 5.6 29.12 0 15.12-5.32 28.84t-15.12 24.08q-9.52 10.36-22.96 16.52-13.16 5.88-29.12 5.88Zm-52.92-75.04q0 12.32 4.2 22.96 4.2 10.36 11.2 18.48 7.28 7.84 16.8 12.32 9.8 4.48 20.72 4.48 10.92 0 20.44-4.48 9.8-4.76 17.08-12.6 7.28-8.12 11.48-18.76 4.2-10.64 4.2-22.96 0-12.04-4.2-22.68-4.2-10.92-11.48-18.76-7.28-8.12-17.08-12.6-9.52-4.76-20.44-4.76-10.92 0-20.44 4.76-9.52 4.48-16.8 12.6-7.28 8.12-11.48 19.04-4.2 10.64-4.2 22.96ZM900.6 354.8q-15.12 0-28-6.16-12.88-6.44-22.12-16.8t-14.56-23.8q-5.04-13.72-5.04-28.56 0-15.4 5.04-29.12 5.04-14 13.72-24.36 8.96-10.36 21-16.24 12.32-6.16 26.88-6.16 18.48 0 32.76 9.8 14.28 9.52 22.4 23.24V147.6h19.04v179.76q0 7.84 6.72 7.84V352q-4.2.84-6.72.84-6.72 0-11.76-4.2-5.04-4.48-5.04-10.64v-14.28Q946.24 338 931.4 346.4t-30.8 8.4Zm4.2-16.8q7 0 14.84-2.8 8.12-2.8 15.12-7.56 7-5.04 11.76-11.48 5.04-6.72 6.16-14.28V256.8q-2.8-7.56-8.12-14-5.32-6.72-12.32-11.76-6.72-5.04-14.56-7.84-7.84-2.8-15.4-2.8-11.76 0-21.28 5.04-9.52 5.04-16.52 13.44-6.72 8.12-10.36 18.76-3.64 10.64-3.64 21.84 0 11.76 4.2 22.4 4.2 10.64 11.48 18.76 7.28 7.84 17.08 12.6Q893.32 338 904.8 338Zm173.04 16.8q-15.96 0-29.4-5.88-13.16-6.16-22.96-16.52-9.8-10.64-15.4-24.36-5.32-13.72-5.32-29.4 0-15.4 5.32-28.84 5.6-13.72 15.12-23.8 9.8-10.36 23.24-16.24 13.44-6.16 29.12-6.16 15.96 0 29.12 6.16 13.44 5.88 22.96 16.24 9.52 10.36 14.84 23.8 5.32 13.44 5.32 28.56v4.48q0 2.24-.28 3.08h-124.88q.84 11.76 5.32 21.84 4.76 9.8 12.04 17.08 7.28 7.28 16.52 11.48 9.52 3.92 20.16 3.92 7 0 14-1.96t12.88-5.32q5.88-3.36 10.64-8.12 4.76-5.04 7.28-10.92l16.52 4.48q-3.36 8.12-9.52 14.84-6.16 6.44-14.28 11.48-8.12 4.76-17.92 7.56-9.8 2.52-20.44 2.52Zm-53.48-83.44h107.24q-.84-11.76-5.6-21.28-4.48-9.8-11.76-16.8-7-7-16.52-10.92-9.24-3.92-19.88-3.92-10.64 0-20.16 3.92t-16.8 10.92q-7 7-11.48 16.8-4.2 9.8-5.04 21.28Zm193.2 80.64h-38.64V153.2h38.64V352Zm93.52.84q-14.84 0-26.88-5.88t-21-15.96q-8.68-10.36-13.44-23.8-4.76-13.44-4.76-28.56 0-15.96 5.04-29.68 5.04-13.72 14-24.08 8.96-10.36 21.56-16.24 12.6-5.88 27.72-5.88 17.08 0 29.96 7.84 12.88 7.56 21.28 20.44v-25.76h32.76V345q0 16.24-6.16 29.12-6.16 12.88-17.08 21.84-10.64 8.96-25.76 13.72-14.84 4.76-32.48 4.76-24.08 0-40.6-7.84-16.24-8.12-28-22.68l20.44-19.88q8.4 10.36 21 16.24 12.88 5.88 27.16 5.88 8.68 0 16.52-2.24 8.12-2.52 14.28-7.56 6.16-5.04 9.52-12.88 3.64-7.84 3.64-18.48v-18.48q-7.28 12.6-20.44 19.6-13.16 6.72-28.28 6.72Zm12.6-29.96q6.16 0 11.76-1.96t10.36-5.32q4.76-3.36 8.4-7.84 3.64-4.48 5.6-9.52v-35q-5.04-12.88-15.96-20.72-10.64-7.84-22.4-7.84-8.68 0-15.68 3.92-7 3.64-12.04 10.08-5.04 6.16-7.84 14.28-2.52 8.12-2.52 16.8 0 8.96 3.08 16.8t8.4 13.72q5.6 5.88 12.88 9.24 7.28 3.36 15.96 3.36Zm243.88-62.44V352h-37.52v-82.32q0-17.64-6.16-25.76-6.16-8.12-17.08-8.12-5.6 0-11.48 2.24-5.88 2.24-11.2 6.44-5.04 3.92-9.24 9.52t-6.16 12.32V352h-37.52V205.28h33.88v27.16q8.12-14 23.52-21.84t34.72-7.84q13.72 0 22.4 5.04 8.68 5.04 13.44 13.16 4.76 8.12 6.44 18.48 1.96 10.36 1.96 21Zm70.28 91.56h-37.52V205.28h37.52V352Zm0-167.16h-37.52V147.6h37.52v37.24Zm114.24 129.92 7.56 29.68q-7.56 3.36-18.48 6.72-10.92 3.36-22.96 3.36-7.84 0-14.84-1.96-6.72-1.96-12.04-6.16-5.04-4.48-8.12-11.2-3.08-7-3.08-16.8v-84.28h-19.32v-28.84h19.32v-47.6h37.52v47.6h30.8v28.84h-30.8v71.68q0 7.84 3.92 11.2 4.2 3.08 10.08 3.08t11.48-1.96q5.6-1.96 8.96-3.36Zm91.56 40.04q-17.64 0-31.92-5.88-14.28-6.16-24.36-16.52t-15.68-24.08q-5.32-13.72-5.32-28.84 0-15.68 5.32-29.4 5.32-14 15.4-24.36 10.08-10.64 24.36-16.8 14.56-6.16 32.48-6.16 17.92 0 31.92 6.16 14.28 6.16 24.08 16.52 10.08 10.36 15.12 24.08 5.32 13.72 5.32 28.56 0 3.64-.28 7 0 3.36-.56 5.6h-113.4q.84 8.68 4.2 15.4 3.36 6.72 8.68 11.48 5.32 4.76 12.04 7.28 6.72 2.52 14 2.52 11.2 0 21-5.32 10.08-5.6 13.72-14.56l32.2 8.96q-8.12 16.8-26.04 27.72-17.64 10.64-42.28 10.64Zm-38.08-88.48h76.16q-1.4-16.52-12.32-26.32-10.64-10.08-26.04-10.08-7.56 0-14.28 2.8-6.44 2.52-11.48 7.28t-8.4 11.48q-3.08 6.72-3.64 14.84Zm225.12-62.72v34.16q-17.08.28-30.52 6.72-13.44 6.16-19.32 18.76V352h-37.52V205.28h34.44v31.36q3.92-7.56 9.24-13.44 5.32-6.16 11.48-10.64t12.32-6.72q6.44-2.52 12.32-2.52h4.48q1.68 0 3.08.28Z"/></svg>
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    <div class="heroe">

        <h1>Contact Form</h1>

        <h2>For more information, please feel free contact us!</h2>



    <!-- Display success or error messages -->
    <?php if (session()->getFlashdata('success')): ?>
        <p style="color: green;"><?= session()->getFlashdata('success') ?></p>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php if (session()->getFlashdata('error')): ?>
        <p style="color: red;"><?= session()->getFlashdata('error') ?></p>
    <?php endif; ?>

    <form action="<?= base_url('contact') ?>" method="post">
        <label for="name">Name:</label>
        <input type="text" id="name" name="name" required>

        <label for="email">Email:</label>
        <input type="email" id="email" name="email" required>

        <label for="telp">Telp:</label>
        <input type="text" id="telp" name="telp" required>

        <label for="message">Message:</label>
        <textarea id="message" name="message" required></textarea>

        <button type="submit">Send</button>
    <div class="environment">

        <p>Page rendered in {elapsed_time} seconds using {memory_usage} MB of memory.</p>

        <p>Environment: <?= ENVIRONMENT ?></p>


    <div class="copyrights">

        <p>&copy; <?= date('Y') ?> CodeIgniter Foundation. CodeIgniter is open source project released under the MIT
            open source licence.</p>



Setting SMTP di CodeIgniter

Contact form yang Anda buat memerlukan settingan SMTP agar dapat menerima pesan masuk dari website. Settingan SMTP bisa Anda lakukan dalam file .env dengan contoh dibawah:

email.protocol = smtp
email.SMTPHost = namadomain-Anda atau
email.SMTPUser = user@namadomain-Anda atau [email protected]
email.SMTPPass = passwordAkunEmail
email.SMTPPort = 587

Jika menggunakan SMTP dari akun Gmail, silahkan Anda siapkan password aplikasinya mengikuti panduan: Password Aplikasi Gmail

Pelajari lebih detail tentang cara setting SMTP di CodeIgniter 4 pada artikel berikut: Setting SMTP CodeIgniter 4

Tahap Pengujian

Setelah mengikuti semua step diatas dengan benar, Anda bisa lakukan testing dengan mengakses webnya dengan URL: namadomain/contact

Contact form di codeigniter 4

Jika setting SMTP yang Anda lakukan sudah benar, maka pesan dari contact form di codeigniter 4 akan masuk secara otomatis ke email yang di setting.

 pesan dari contact form di codeigniter 4 akan masuk secara otomatis ke email terdaftar

Sampai pada tahap ini, proses pembuatan contact form di CodeIgniter 4 sudah selesai. Agar kedepannya tidak menerima spamming, sebaiknya Anda mengaktifkan reCaptcha.

Demikian artikel kami tentang cara membuat contact form di CodeIgniter 4, semoga bermanfaat.

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Cloud Hosting Terbaik Rumahweb

Fredric Lesomar

I am an ameteur programer and cybersecurity enthusiast. Love much, mother Python language, machine learning and You!

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